Tag Archives: work-life balance

Our last sacred spaces

Shower-HeadGoing through some old posts, and came across  this LifeHacker article. The author makes several good points, especially this (not-so) obvious one:

Ever wonder why you get most of your ideas in the shower? It’s because the shower is among the last sacred spaces where we aren’t distracted by colleagues or technology.

I feel the same way about having WiFi on-board flights these days; until recently flying time was another one distraction-free space.  For me, it’s why I’m glad to embrace a weekly break by unplugging every Friday right before sundown, until Saturday evening… it clears my head & makes me feel refreshed for the coming week.

Day of Unplugging 2014

National Day of Unplugging 2014
Take the Pledge on 3/7-8!

Sign up and take the pledge – who’s with me on this?   Before you say “no” – just ask yourself: What will you unplug for?

Do you have multiple cell phones? Take your iPad to the beach on vacation? Ever find it hard to get through a conversation without posting an update to Facebook? Is your computer always on?

Keep throwing rocks…

Why I don’t roll (or blog) on Shabbos

Shabbos (or Shabbat, in modern Hebrew) is the Jewish Sabbath, which starts from Friday right before sundown, and carries through until about an hour after nightfall on Saturday evening.  During this time, traditional Jews refrain from certain activities classified as “labor” – in other words, it is a “day of rest”.  No iPhones, no laptop, no Twitter (unless you set it up to run in advance, which could be the subject of a whole other post).

So yes, I am, like Mr. Sobchak,  “shomer Shabbos” – and while there are 39 different types of work that are technically forbidden, I’ll let this mug tie it all together with Walter’s top 3:

Shomer Shabbos V2 Large Mug